Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Motorcycle Clubs in Jacksonville NC

There's a new Motorcycle Club in Jacksonville, NC. Iron Order MC Crossbones Crew officially stood up May of 2013. Michael "Toys" Lane was elected the local Chapter President, Cecil "Panhandle" Compton was elected VP, Mike "Israel" Turner was elected as the Business Manager, Jonathan "Sully" Skutt was elected the Sergeant at Arms and Jeremy "Menance" Dennis was elected Road Captain.

About Iron Order:
"The Iron Order MC was started by a few hardcore bikers in a garage on July 4, 2004. It is fitting that our club anniversary is celebrated on the same day as our great country's Independence Day since our club is totally independent and beholden to none to follow our own destiny truly free from all other's rules and protocols. These bikers came from different backgrounds and walks of life. They had a desire to share brotherhood and socialize together as a group of men sharing a like mindset with an iron resolve to have a club of their own under no one's control or direction. That is how the IOMC was started and how it is today. This is the heritage of the IOMC. We refuse to be dictated to by anyone as to who we have as members, where we can have chapters, what we can wear, where we can go, or what we can do." ~

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 9am we are rolling to Washington, NC for a benefit ride to help raise money for a wife and mother of two who has been diagnosed with a Melanoma brain tumor. The benefit will help the young family with substantial expenses that they will face. Helping others is part of what this Motorcycle Club in Jacksonville, NC and across the United States is all about.

If you see us on the road, a local filling station or restaurant, don't hesitate to say hello. We are honored to be a part of the newest Chapter of Iron order Motorcycle Club in Jacksonville, NC.